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------ [EVIL] Clanserver:
«  March 2012  »

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Main » 2012 » March » 09

Salem aleikum,

Happily I can announce that our beloved forum's admin, organisator genius and the king of eloquence grew 23 today. Me representative for the whole EVIL clan wishes you all the best, a nice birthday with some earth quaking party tonight and lots of presents. Enjoy today because today only you are in the spotlight.

Mit Freude kann ich heute verkünden, dass unser lieber devi, Beherrscher des Forums, Organisator und der König der Redegewandtheit 23 Lebensjahre hinter sich gelassen hat. Repräsentativ für den ganzen EVIL Clan wünsch ich dir alles Gute, einen schönen Geburtstag mit einer Party bei der die Wände wackeln heut Nacht. Und natürlich jeder Menge Geschenke. Genieße den Tag, heute stehst nur du im Mittelpunkt.

Over and out!

Category: Clan news | Views: 526 | Added by: TAN | Date: 2012-03-09 | Comments (5)

Another day broke up and we have another sad message to deliver: Another clan died. 9k wasn't able to hold it's activity level over ninethousand so they took the consequences. With Magnet announcing his leaving yesterday 9k took it's last breathings and finally went down.
What started with high ambitions and the aim to climb the Olymp of Teeworlds failed rapidly after the first weeks of activity passed by.
However Teeworlds lost one of it's most powerfull teams.

Category: Teeworld news | Views: 6473 | Added by: TAN | Date: 2012-03-09 | Comments (0)

Sad but true: On the 3rd of March Teeworlds lost one of it's oldest clans. What indicated a few weeks ago is now official. The Infernal Warriors closed their doors and ended the existence of a very long lasting clan. Permanent inactivity and missing dedication led the head of IW to the shut down of the clan. May the active players of you will find a new challenge in Teeworlds helping it to stay alive.

Source: http://infernalwarriors.gip-gip.com/

Category: Teeworld news | Views: 4675 | Added by: TAN | Date: 2012-03-09 | Comments (2)

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