EVIL is a Vanilla (Classic) based clan, started as a fun clan but changed attitude during the existence. We´re a clan with members from all over Europe, but mostly from Germany. We are playing CTF, mostly ctf5, ctf2 and ctf3.
Founders are:
Stompy (Original Founder) - departed
Bärcheneffekt - departed
Spidertee (Co-founder) - departed
The beginning of EVIL was in the year 2009. It all begun somewhere in Mai. Few random TW players met on the gV* server and had fun together playing in one team. Those were Alucard, Bärcheneffekt and Stompy.
One day, Stompy came on the server with the [EVIL] Clan tag. A new clan was born. Soon after that, Bärcheneffekt and Alucard joined him too. The clan was meant to be a fun clan, no serious deal, so that the clan was without a page/forum or server at all.
Soon, the small group of players gathered new members and became popular in short time. A Forum was needed for organization because of the big amount of members. Back then there were more than 20 members. But, there was a problem that still exists today. Some jealous players, mostly newbies , started using the EVIL clan tag and pulled the clan reputation down. So, the clan forum got a bigger purpose than before. Only registered members where allowed to have the clan tag.
As summer 2009 approached, the clan activity felt to a minimum. Many members went inactive over the summer break and some never returned, only the most loyal stayed. Thanks again to the forum, the members could stay in touch. Stompy also went inactive, almost quit playing TW, but he stayed in minimum contact to his clan. He came back at the beginning of 2010, but still not very active.
As summer finished, the clan gained activity back again, but with a great loss. A founder and many members were gone, but that wasn´t a reason to shut down the clan. Thanks to the many clanless friends EVIL had, the clan was able to regain strength and even grew stronger than in was before. Now with more than 30 members, mostly skilled. Due to the mass recruiting, some recruiting regulations were needed and they came to action. In the Beginning of 2010, the clan got also a clan page, which was a big step forward.
This was the period where EsT - Evil Seal Team (inspired by navy seals - special unit) had been created, representing the most skillful EVIL members there were. Not a clan on it´s own, but a wing.
History repeated itself almost each year. The clan had it´s ups and downs, member in different clans were leaving too (our list can be seen in menu>members>ex members), trying their luck in different mods and games. That issue lead their clans to close because of member inactivity, making them just a fading memory, leaving EVIL struggling to survive the harsh environment it came into. The year 2011 was not very good for Teeworlds, since it lacked in number of clans. In commemoration to the fallen clans, we´d like to name some of those who were also known (almost in chronicle order): DeJu, enS, Boss, iB, Nordic, Phönix, Qi, g6, Anthem... Which meant for EVIL that the entertainment was missing because of that "drought". In desperation to save the scene, EVIL started numerous projects and activities, recruiting players from different perished clans to keep them active at least in game.
As time passed by, a call for revival was needed. Since many of the old players and clans have been lost, fresh blood has been needed to fill their position. At the end of 2011, EVIL started the project "sister clan" - the project was about to create a clan by EVIL to recruit totally newcomers and to give them a chance to raise up in the clan world and to make a name for themselves. The new clan, named OtH (Of the Hook) brought the desired effect. New people came along and started to practice, fight clanwars and take part in events held back then. Even it wasn´t a success and EVIL planned to close the project, OtH got a revival boost in the midst of 2012, continuing without the supervision by EVIL. The clan went from Germans only to an international level. The clan held up for 1 1/2 years and unfortunately closed in May 2013
Another project by EVIL was tw-clanzone.com, started November 2012. The main goal was to motivate new people to start clans, to support those new clans and to help them grow. Due to some inactivity and lack of interest, the project was shut down for about a year, but it got reactivated in December 2013 and is still active and growing. Still with the goal to support, organize events and to feed all Teeworlds players with news about the happenings within the vanilla clans.
The situation in TW got better in 2013 with enough active clans to have almost every day a war or two. In that period, EVIL gathered also many skilled members. They trained together, they trained hard, fought side by side and their hard work paid up. EVIL had for a short time become the strongest clan with it´s EsT wing for the first time in it´s 4 1/2 years of existence. Even the clan was so successful, the flame was about to to be extinguished a short time after... A very short time
No one had seen it coming when disaster struck the clan in February 2014. Behind the curtains of happy members, a storm was coming upfront. Suddenly, one active member after the another started to leave the clan for some strange reasons. One of the co-leaders managed to convince most of the active ones to follow him and to create a new clan. A completely different from EVIL, but yet so similar. Only the ex co-leader knew the background story, which leaves open questions. That move brought EVIL to it´s knees, just like a knife, backstabbed. Besides the fact that the members were gone, EVIL lost also his game and TS server. EVIL counts a loss of 9 active members in 7 days. Which also forced EVIL to close it´s EsT wing.
Disaster struck fast, the wounds were deep and there were only 2 options for EVIL left: to die or to live on. The decision was made fast and the rebuild from ground up which happened. The leadership wanted to celebrate the fifth clan anniversary, in defiance of others. The remaining members were consulted and the progress begun, serving plan A: survive! Reconstruction from within begun, EVIL started recruiting new members, regaining servers, clearing the forum history and went on, heads up, towards the fifth clan anniversary! Keeping it still the oldest constantly active (by this, we mean without reopening n sh*t) vanilla clan there was, is and ever will be! With a simple plan B in the pocket: stick to plan A!
- Gameserver
- [EVIL] Clanserver
- [EVIL] Clanserver
- Teamspeak 3
- 50 slot TS3
Game server by ghost
TS3 by Hunter69