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«  January 2012  »

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Main » 2012 » January » 23

>9k was founded in december 2011 by Azuma and Magnet, following an initiative of Ubuntu. Over Nine Thousand is an european Teeworlds team that mainly plays 'Capture The Flag' at a power level over 9000. Some >9k are also regular players of other gametypes.

more infos: Clanworld
Category: Teeworld news | Views: 519 | Added by: devil | Date: 2012-01-23 | Comments (0)


well, the last few news have been kinda sad and we´ve had a huge loss with bombi leaving and ray announcing his inactivity, which is kinda 1 step out of the clan, which we are not hoping for. But still, we are not falling apart. Here are some good news. We have a new co-leader: Chiodos.
Yes, he maybe left us once, but that was long time ago. He has shown himself worthy for this position as one of the most active ones, without any complaining about him and hist loyalty is no question.
Congratulations, you really deserve it :)
tja, die letzten paar Neuigkeiten waren traurig und wir haben einen großen Verlust erlitten mit bombis austritt und mit rays Ankündigung einer längeren Inaktivität, was quasi ein Schritt zum austritt näher ist, was wir nicht hoffen. Trotzdem, wir fallen nicht aus einander. Hier sind ... Read more »
Category: Clan news | Views: 510 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2012-01-23 | Comments (4)


Bad news. Bomba 17, one of our oldest members has left our clan. He was a member here since the foundation who found a lot of friends here. Furthermore he was one of the most active and most skilled players of us. But in the last time he has lost the fun to play vanilla, so he decided to leave us. We wish you good luck with your new instagib clan Krypton.

Good Bye Bombi <3
Schlechte Neuigkeiten. Bomba 17, eines unserer ältesten Mitglieder, hat unseren Clan verlassen. Er war ein Mitglied der ersten Stunde, welches eine Menge Freunde hier gefunden hat. Außerdem war er einer der aktivsten und besten Spieler von uns. Aber in letzter Zeit verlor er mehr und mehr die Lust an der Vanilla Szene, darum entschied er sich dazu uns zu verlassen. Wir wünschen dir viel Glück mit deinem neuen Instagib Clan Krypton.

Machs gut ... Read more »
Category: Clan news | Views: 549 | Added by: devil | Date: 2012-01-22 | Comments (0)

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