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«  August 2011  »

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Main » 2011 » August » 28 » Member kicked - dizzElite
2:09 PM
Member kicked - dizzElite


Recently our member dizzElite has broken some clan rules. He didn't visit the forum since more than a week. also he didn't take care about our trainings and he never inormed us about his absence. Furthermore he wasn't active for the clan in any regard. That's why we decided to kick him. Anyway we wish you good luck for the future.
Unser Member dizzElite hat in letzter Zeit einige Clanregeln verletzt. Er hat unser Forum seit über einer Woche nicht mehr besucht. Um die Trainings hat er sich nicht sonderlich gekümmert und er hielt es auch nicht für nötig uns über seine Abwesenheiten zu informieren. Außerdem war er in keiner Hinsicht wirklich aktiv für den Clan. Darum haben wir uns dazu entschieden ihn zu kicken. Wir wünschen dir trotzdem alles Gute für deine Zukunft.

Category: Clan news | Views: 643 | Added by: devil | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 6
6 diz  
0 Spam
Thx maaans...Same^^

5 uKo  
0 Spam
the best at last smile
gz for the future dizzy <3

4 TAN  
0 Spam
diiiiiiiiiiiiiizzz i love uuuuu <333333333 biggrin
hope we'll still stay in contact sad
and pls gimme a heart <3
dry tongue

3 diz  
0 Spam
It is a pity that it happened, the summer - it is no time for tw.I glad that I was in evils.Thanks, good luck in the future.

2 devil  
0 Spam
Ho is kein multiclaning. der clan is seit letztes jahr down.

1 Chiodos  
0 Spam
you didn't mention that he was multiclaning, too

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