A fun clan emerged on gV* CTF 5 server, consisting of a few friends who played together pretty often. On this day, EVIL emerged. What was an idea of simple hanging out together, soon evolved into competitive playing. The number of members within the clan grew rapidly. Soon enough, the clan had to filter out the lowest in activity and the ones who were troublesome. Still, even after the filtration, the skill level was low, bot it never bothered. Everyone knew that the skill might come with time, but the character which made this clan still existing, that was and still is of the highest value to the clan. Bullied and made fun of because of the low skill level was almost on every day basis, but the clan has held the line and stood strong. Enjoying the hights and fighting to survive the downs, a rollercoaster ride which lasted for years. To be precise, 6 years of existence, making this clan if not the oldest clan ever with constant activity and life.
I want to thank God first of all :)
I want to thank everyone who has been a part of us and contributed time, experience, effort and knowledge to make EVIL that what it is today.
I want to thank everyone who has bullied us for years, who laughed at us, called us noobs or worse, to make EVIL strong as it is today!
I want to thank those who said that EVIL is a missed project that will not last long, to prove that EVIL still exist and that they were wrong!
I want to thank all our members for making EVIL an awesome and ass kicking clan as it is.
We stood strong, we stood together and we will continue to keep it that way!
Happy 6th Birthday EVIL Community, may many more come :)
(ps, i´m a few days late, too much work ^^ )