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------ [EVIL] Clanserver:
«  May 2012  »

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Main » 2012 » May » 12 » 3rd Anniversary
2:06 PM
3rd Anniversary

Hey People

Who would guess that the small group of people that has been formed 3 years ago would last and sustain so long? We did :) Hereby we want to thank all the members, ex-members, friends & clans that have believed in us, helped us, and supported us for all this time and made us this what we are now. We also want to thank our sponsors for giving us the required supplies needed to sustain all this time. Especially: Chris (Orange Bots - R.I.P) and most of all to PlatiniumHL (Justfourfun.net).

We know that the temporary clan situation is very bad since the vanilla scene is lacking clans. Therefore we want to announce a project that should be going on line very soon. A project meant to support uprising and existing clans. A project as a dedication and tribute to the wonderful game Teeworlds :) More information about it will leak out soon, don't worry ;)

Happy 3rd birthday EVIL
Wer hätte gedacht das die kleine Gruppe an Leuten die vor 3 Jahren errichtet worden ist so lange erhalten bleiben würde? Wir :) Hiermit wollen wir allen Mitgliedern, Ex-M, Freunden & Clans danken die an uns all die lange zeit geglaubt haben, uns geholfen und unterstützt haben um uns zu dem machen was wir heute sind. Wir wollen uns ebenso bei usneren Sponsoren bedanken die uns alles nötige gegeben haben um bestehend bleiben zu können. Besonderer dank geht an: Chris (Orange Bots - R.I.P) und ganz besonders PlatiniumHL (Justfourfun.net).

Uns allen ist bewusst das die Clansituation in der Vanilla Szene sehr schlecht ist da es an Clans fehlt. Darum wollen wir verkünden das demnächst unser Projekt an den Start läuft. Ein Projekt das dazu dient neue und bereits existierende Clans zu unterstützen. Ein Projekt das als Widmung und Tribut für das wunderbare Spiel Teeworlds gedacht ist :) Weitere Infos werden bald auslaufen, keine sorge ;)

Alles gute zum 3. Jubiläum EVIL

Category: Clan news | Views: 708 | Added by: Alucard | Rating: 3.0/2
Total comments: 4
4 Alucard  
0 Spam
if you and your "members" (except puch, we love puchy) would behave more human, we would start to tolerate you more. maybe your skill is awesome, but your behavior toward other players suck.
if you want to turn it like that, you are behaving with sonix and mmilos just the same. think about it.
and do not worry about this project, there will be also non evil members in the team to support biggrin

3 CaptainAMN  
-1 Spam
The best cure for inactivity would be if EVIL clan played less private games, and focused on getting better ingame rather than bullshitting on your german forum. After 3 years of playing, it's about time to get more dangerous and open-minded towards other clans. Unless EVIL doesn't overcome the fear of losing games without their best line-ups, your project will not have a great effect ultimately.

A good game needs both sides to be on about the same level constantly, so unless you don't get worse or better, there will be no good matches. I will check back on you when EVIL celebrates themselves alone again on your 4th anniversary. Happy birthday, swallow that.

2 Bomba  
-1 Spam
Alles Gute EVIL <3

1 devil  
-1 Spam
alles jute zum 3. geburtstag EVIL

alter sack ^^

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