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------ [EVIL] Clanserver:
«  October 2024  »

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With all the birthday parties lately, we are slowly but surely turning into a party clan :D 

Today, we are celebrating the 21st birthday of our member Settings (Todessturm). Adjust your settings to party mode and hit the music. Free drinks for all above 18 yrs. Besides, the birthday boys settings are now set for legaly drinking within the USA :) (bad pun...)

We wish you all the best Settings, happy birthday :)


Category: Clan news | Views: 1644 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2016-05-02 | Comments (0)

We want to congratulate and wish all the best to our clan member and friend - ranchi - who turned 28 today. At this point i start to wonder, do you celebrate that birthday or do you mourn it? Or was it the dilema when you turn 30? Well, you can hopefully tell us in 2 years, oldie :)

All the best wishes

Category: Clan news | Views: 1112 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2016-04-16 | Comments (0)

All the best wishes are today going to our clanmate and friend - hl037, or as it is pornounced - Leo

We want to wish you happiness, health, wealth and a long membership in EVIL

Don't party too hard :)

Category: Clan news | Views: 918 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2016-04-07 | Comments (0)

One of our members has left the clan to rejoin his former clan and to help it back on it's feet again. As mentioned in the subject, Gambit as left us. Anyhow, we are thankful for the time he spent here with us, even if it was short. We wish him the best of luck in his future career.


Category: Clan news | Views: 1137 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2015-12-29 | Comments (0)

Today, we are celebrating the birthday of X-outing, who is temporary not able to be with us for RL reasons i don't want to mention in detail. But we hope that he is well up and that he will get the chance to take a look at this, just to let him know that we are thinking of him even if he is far away from us.

Happy birthday X. We wish you all the best in the world. Stay safe and sharp out there :)


Category: Clan news | Views: 929 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2015-12-08 | Comments (0)


Sadly, 5 members of EVIL got kicked for rule violations. As mentioned above, those are
- Dansi
- Fabian/Shenron
- FromHell
- Slayer
- Zao

They have violated 2 rules and we had no choice but to act according to it. The rules that have been violated are:

- Not visiting the forum once within a week
- Not attending to the training 9 times in a row (3 weeks) without reporting absent.

Since non of them above has been respected, even due to a warning before the kick, the leadership has concluded that it would be the best thing to go part ways, since the 5 did not seem to care much about the community.

We wish them good luck in RL and with what ever they are up to.

Kind regards,


Category: Clan news | Views: 1129 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2015-09-29 | Comments (0)

Gues who is old enough to drink even in the US? :D

The whole EVIL clan wishes you all the best for your birthday and may all your wishes and dreams come true (as long as they don´t harm anyone, huehuehue). We are happy to have You here with us and that we were able to celebrate one more of your birthdays. Hopefully, there will be many more. 

Once again, all the best and don´t party too hard  :D

Category: Clan news | Views: 1159 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2015-09-22 | Comments (0)

Guess what ppl, another birthday... yay, hardcore mainstreaming in EVIL.... hehe, ust kidding a little bit. Anyway, today one of our members has reached lvl 18 and has unlocked the following achievements:

  • "legal drinking"
  • "drivers licence"
  • "ending up in jail for combining the two above" 

Happy Birthday Zao, may the odds be always be in your favor :)

Category: Clan news | Views: 1007 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2015-09-10 | Comments (1)

We are happy to announce that we have a news member in our community - Gambit. He is active, kind and is skilled. By that, he has made it through his application process. We hope to have a lot of fun together and fight in many clanwars with him :)

Congratulations Gambit


Category: Clan news | Views: 1025 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2015-09-05 | Comments (0)

Oh what a happy day :)

One of our leaders is one year older. Avaron turned 21 today and therefore we wish him a happy birthday and all the happyness in the world. Don't party to hard, we stillneed you ;)


Category: Clan news | Views: 1024 | Added by: Alucard | Date: 2015-09-05 | Comments (0)

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